Wiki So Far
I haven't added anything to the Wiki yet, but I'm doing some research in order to add content to the gaming portion of the wiki. One aspect of the wiki that seems to be lacking is the different types of video game genres. This is important to note because the variety of genres for video games are one of the few features that make them great- there is a little bit of everything for everybody. The type of console or computers used to play games can limit or affect the type of games seen for that console. For example, some "Meta" games (games that interact with the user, knowing they are a game and that user is a player) can only be played on pc, since the certain aspect of the game requires you to alter game files or setting on your computer. This access is severely limiting on the consoles as these companies don't want people hacking or altering the software.
Another portion I want to add to the wiki is influential video games in each genre. Every genre grows and develops over the years. This is due to the new video games that revolutionize the genre and create a new standard that other companies could follow. An example is that street fighter 2 accidentally created a string of attacks a character can perform- i.e combos. This made the concept of combos popular, and virtually every fighting game now includes it. There are also video games that become so popular that it makes the genre popular into the mainstream media. one example would be Five Nights at Freddy's or Undertale: both massively successful games that brought Indie games into the limelight.
Another portion I want to add to the wiki is influential video games in each genre. Every genre grows and develops over the years. This is due to the new video games that revolutionize the genre and create a new standard that other companies could follow. An example is that street fighter 2 accidentally created a string of attacks a character can perform- i.e combos. This made the concept of combos popular, and virtually every fighting game now includes it. There are also video games that become so popular that it makes the genre popular into the mainstream media. one example would be Five Nights at Freddy's or Undertale: both massively successful games that brought Indie games into the limelight.
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