Creativity and New Media
For this, I will talk about a Instagram account my group and I are monitoring for another class. The point of our project is to upload content, monitoring the page and collect data about our progress to present at the end of the class. For me, I am not really active on social media, that is to say I don't post anything or comment publicly- I prefer to live in peace. For me it was new experience, especially since it was a collaborative effort in making this page. Since we decided to become a food and travel Instagram page, I made post regarding nice places to eat that have aesthetically pleasing looking food. I like to eat at new and exciting places, but I never really share my experience with anyone. It was certainly a lot of fun and I enjoyed doing my posts, though I'd admit I was nervous doing them for the first time (and certainly there were too many filters to choose from). My first post was a pic of this cute creamart coffee I had a while back, as I thought it was somethin...