
Showing posts from March, 2019

Creativity and New Media

For this, I will talk about a Instagram account my group and I are monitoring for another class. The point of our project is to upload content, monitoring the page and collect data about our progress to present at the end of the class. For me, I am not really active on social media, that is to say I don't post anything or comment publicly- I prefer to live in peace. For me it was new experience, especially since it was a collaborative effort in making this page. Since we decided to become a food and travel Instagram page, I made post regarding nice places to eat that have aesthetically pleasing looking food. I like to eat at new and exciting places, but I never really share my experience with anyone. It was certainly a lot of fun and I enjoyed doing my posts, though I'd admit I was nervous doing them for the first time (and certainly there were too many filters to choose from). My first post was a pic of this cute creamart coffee I had a while back, as I thought it was somethin

HW Creativity

New Media (for example YouTube) as a platform gives a lot of potential for a creator to foster and explore their own creativity. They can upload videos and make content on virtually any topic they want ( Within reason of course). They can upload make up tutorials, or create short films. While new media allows this type of content to flourish, these content can exist without the support of those platforms. Both can break out into their industry with other means. Its the birth of different type of content , such as gaming and parody channels, that really show how New Media foster creativity. As shown in the article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" by Brooks Barnes, parody videos can thrive and grow on a platform such as YouTube. With new digital and editing software available, any creator can edit or create content so long as it falls under fair use. With YouTube acting as a medium, content can be shared and grown, allowing creators with new ideas to

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds have a lot of potential for practical uses. For one, they can simulate a environment someone could explore. One example is shown in the virtual class tour in the article "The virtual world moves into the classroom", by Joe Earle. Teachers use virtual reality to show/ give students a tour of either history or a tour through someone else's life. Teachers used VR to allow students to follow a migrant family journey or visit a historical battlefield to foster kids learning and understanding. these experience can change their understanding and view of the world.  While some claim this learning is more distracting, others are hopeful the potential VR has on learning. this type of immersion has also been used to improve gaming experience as VR creates a new level of immersion for players to experience and explore as they can see their surroundings in real time. This type of immersion is also practical for training professionals for stressful situation in a safe en

Social networking sites

My Impression on 4 Social Networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube Facebook Facebook is currently the largest Social networking site in the world. You can make posts that you can share with your friends and family. You can post texts, pictures and even video, and you can like comment or share other people posts. There is a lot on the screen when you login. Groups, ads, and posts can make it a little hard on the eyes. However there mobile app is a lot nicer, which is why I use that more. With Facebook algorithm, I see the post the interest me the most so their isn't a lot of unwanted post I want to see besides the ads. Twitter I only recently started using twitter, so its taking me some time to get used to it. Its definitely harder for me to follow a conversation since replies to a tweet can be in the same feed. While searching via a hashtag is possible, I still Facebook way of doing it is smoother. the 280 character limit really does make you think what to writ

Blog about Twitter

Its a very weird experience blogging with Twitter, considering I never used it before. However, it seems fun and easy to use. While on blackboard you can write till your heat is content, you have limited space on twitter. This means I have to carefully think what I want to say on twitter. I have to get my main point across in the fewest words possible, and this made me think what I really wanted to say and what I felt was important to mention. While you can quickly navigate twitter to see other people responses, blackboard (at least to me) seems to be a lot less forgiving when trying to see responses. To me its more like an in-class discussion. In class you have to make your point quickly, as you don't want to take up too much time from anyone else. While you may have more time to make a tweet than think about what your going to say in a discussion, you still have to think about what point you are trying to make with as little space/time you have to express it. You can also communi

Social networking

The emergence of Social Media has changed how we as individuals interact with each other. People can reach out and connect to others like never before. We are able to communicate over long distances with people we know or never met before. In a sense, we are always connected to one another and are constantly able to keep one another updated on our life. This same principle can be applied to companies on social media as well. Companies can use social media to better connect with their audience and listen to their voices and opinions. should a customer have a complaint, the company can reach out to them via social media to remedy the problem. Another example is that Companies can use social media to quickly make a response to a growing controversy or topic they notice. A prime example is Youtube rapid response on twitter covering issues that arise on their platform regarding ads showing up on inappropriate videos or inappropriate content on their youtube for kids. With Rapid response of